

Azami Patentability Search

Don’t take the risk of drafting a patent application without searching for prior art first!

Don’t risk your patent application

Conduct a Patentability Search with Azami

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Azami’s Patentability Search Report enables you to make important decisions before spending significant funds and valuable time on product development and the patenting process.

Additional Advantages of

Azami’s Patentability Search Report

Make changes at an early stage to overcome the prior art

Projects can be abandoned in light of relevant prior art that can’t be overcome.

Results can be used to aid in drafting the application by avoiding prior art.


Why Search with Azami?

Quality Searches

Our search process utilizes multiple measures to ensure results with high value.

Collaborative technology search teams.

3-step iterative process (keywords only, classification codes only, then combination).

Quality reviews after each stage.

Comprehensive Searches

We leave no stone unturned, selecting relevant databases depending on the technology and regions of interest.

Including both Patent documents (applications and granted patents) and Non-Patent literature.

Subscriptions to multiple search engines, e.g Questel Orbit, Derwent Innovation, PatSeer, etc.

Highly Experienced Professionals

All searches are performed by technical experts with years of professional IP searching experience.

Team leads include former USPTO patent examiner, former USPTO STIC Search specialist, PhD scientist, and other various advanced degrees.

Each team member has 8+ years of IP searching experience (some many more years).

Search department headed by a patent attorney with 15+ years of IP searching experience.

Technology Areas

 Our searches cover all areas of technological innovation
with teams that work closely together on multidisciplinary searches.






Information Technology



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