

Global Patent Searches

Throughout the patenting process and product development, conducting various patent searches becomes vital.

Azami provides high-quality searches at all stages of innovation, tailored to the needs of IP professionals, including law firms and corporations.

Patent search types

Problem: Uncertainty about the latest technology developments prevents effective R&D and commercial planning.

Solution: Azami’s State of the Art Search conducts abroad collection search across patent literature, providing a comprehensive summary of existing prior art.


  • Informed R&D: Understanding current developments empowers clients to make well-grounded decisions in product development for successful patent protection.
  • Inspiring Innovation: Reviewing existing solutions in a technology field sparks inventive ideas for clients’ R&D initiatives.

Problem: Failing to conduct a prior art search before patenting poses significant risks, including rejection or invalidation.

Solution: Azami’s Patentability Search thoroughly examines patent and non-patent databases to identify prior art that could impact patentability.


  • Informed Decision-Making: Azami’s Patentability Search Report empowers clients to make informed choices before investing resources in product development and patenting.
  • Early Adaptation: Identifying prior art early allows clients to overcome potential challenges and improve their invention.
  • Risk Mitigation: Avoiding prior art during drafting increases the chances of successful patent applications.

Problem: There is a need for a Patentability Search but with a limited budget. Or there may be a need for many Patentability Searches regularly, but there are budget constraints.

Solution: Similar to the full Patentability Search but narrower in scope, the Knockout Search is intended to provide a hit-or-miss look at the prior art for patentability purposes. The search focuses on patent documents only and is conducted with the US patent database.


  • Economical: Similar to Patentability, but on a more limited scale.
  • Better decision making: Allows for more informed decisions, improvements in the invention, and minimized risk (to a lesser extent).

Problem: Legal action claiming patent infringement can jeopardize businesses. Valid patents could hinder product commercialization.

Solution: Azami’s Invalidity Search thoroughly explores patent and non-patent databases, identifying prior art published before the patent’s priority date.


  • Strengthened Defense: The Invalidity Search results help identify prior art that may invalidate the patent of interest, enabling clients to defend against infringement assertions.
  • Uninterrupted Commercialization: Understanding a patent’s validity allows clients to continue commercializing their products without infringement concerns.

Problem: Developing a product without considering potential patent infringements can lead to costly legal battles.

Solution: Azami’s FTO Search identifies in-force patents in specific jurisdictions, helping clients assess infringement risks and make informed adjustments.


  • Patent Clarity: The FTO Search Report provides a comprehensive analysis of relevant prior art, ensuring the inventor’s freedom to operate in specific jurisdictions.
  • Strategic Decisions: Clients can create potential defense strategies against infringement claims and avoid legal entanglements.
  • Secure Innovation: Addressing infringement risks early on allows clients to proceed confidently with product development.

Problem: Lack of information about competitors’ technology developments hinders strategic decision-making.

Solution: Azami’s Landscape Search provides a snapshot of patent data, offering insights into technology trends and competitor activities.


  • Informed Strategy: Companies can create effective strategies based on market trends, ensuring optimal investment in product development.
  • Competitive Edge: Reviewing competitive intelligence data strengthens a company’s market position and optimizes its IP portfolios.



Technology Areas

Our search capabilities cover a wide range of technological innovation, serving the diverse needs of law firms and corporations





Information Technology



Why Search with Azami?

Quality Searches

Our search process utilizes multiple measures to ensure results with high value.

Collaborative technology search teams.

3-step iterative process (keywords only, classification codes only, then combination).

Quality reviews after each stage.

Comprehensive Searches

We leave no stone unturned, selecting relevant databases depending on the technology and regions of interest.

Including both Patent documents (applications and granted patents) and Non-Patent literature.

Subscriptions to multiple search engines, e.g Questel Orbit, Derwent Innovation, PatSeer, etc.

Highly Experienced Professionals

All searches are performed by technical experts with years of professional IP searching experience.

Team leads include former USPTO patent examiner, former USPTO STIC Search specialist, PhD scientist, and other various advanced degrees.

Each team member has 8+ years of IP searching experience (some many more years).

Search department headed by a patent attorney with 15+ years of IP searching experience.

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